Australians targeted with Cryptolocker
The following article is from 2015, but we are seeing an increasing number of attacks from ransomware in Australia still to this day.
It’s becoming crucial to have the right backup that can help you recover from an attack. The basic steps to recover from an attack are:
- Remove the active ransomware from both memory and the system
- Restore your system to just prior to the attack.
Sounds simple, but if you are only backing up your files once a day, you could have just lost a full day’s trade or information. More importantly there is often confusion about exactly when the attack took place. Some ransomware is being coded with smarts to sit quietly in the background and encrypt a number of times before making itself known. This means that you’re not sure when the attack took place and may ultimately end up paying to release your files.
Tape drive backups are no longer considered reliable for backups and in this situation you could be sifting through numerous tapes to recover data.
Using USB drives can also be a cheap way of backing up data but this can be ultimately ineffective if the drive was infected prior to the detection of the ransomware or your backup isn’t making a series of backups so that you can easily determine which files from which backup you need to recover.
Nixon Technology has the answer to the business continuity solution. Our backup systems can not only provide safe and secure backups on your site, but also to a private data centre in Australia. This provides you with a (private) cloud copy of your data in a safe and secure location off site. Your servers/workstations can be virtualised within 6 seconds in the event of an attack or disaster, allowing your business to continue while the issue is resolved.
Speak to us about how we can provide business continuity for you today
Ph: 0410 695 262
email: [email protected]